

The movie that inspired me to get penpals...hi guys if ur reading this. I think i expressed how i feel in an email i sent a while ago.

"The internet used to seem like it was an addition to life but now it seems like life is an addition to the internet. I was thinking about this and realized we live in a world where we yearn for answers over experiencing things as they are, doing is the best teacher but people want to know everything about everything before they allow themselves to learn and fail."

Long form communication is one of the best ways to communicate. Especially when talking to someone new. The dating culture now is cursed because of this. The permanent accesibility we to have to one another causes us to talk to each other less out of fear for being cringe or random, when you would never feel that way if you got a letter in the mail. A conversation through text or DM can never end and leave you with the same feeling that a more thought out letter or email can. On top of the pressure of literally being able to see if the person read the message or not. Texting is obviously good though, but i just realized that maybe texting feels too close. When you know the person is looking at the screen and watching you type its as if they are there.

I think alot of people can benefit from writing out their thoughts, thinking ideas through, making sense of things and revising. Its more fun with another person though, email me if u want.

The effects are so cool at describing the internet in a human way. The email sections of this movie really do a good job at making you feel secluded, just like you are when you're in front of a screen. The forum is like a night club. I try to remind myself that who i am is what i represent online and in person, anonimity can be an easy way to lose control of that.



This movie inspired me to become a concept artist.

Perfection is such a strange subject. Perfection cant be replicated or planned. All the stars aligned for this movie, from japans economy in the 80s to new groundbreaking techniques. I wonder what it feels like to work on a project like this, are you aware of what it will become? I find the most beauty in things that require multiple levels of mastery to join together and become one. No one thing is better than the other. Sountrack, story, color, charachter design, mood etc.. The integrity that went into this movie could make me cry. It represents everything i want to be.

Chunking Express


Needs a rewatch, but easily my favorite romance movie. Visuals are everything i've ever wanted. No one will be able to replicate wong-kar wai.

Dreamy, nostalgic, and pure.

The Man who Sleeps


Literally me, i watched this at a very directionless time in my life. Withdrawing from society can be a satisfying idea but i feel like the void lies within yourself. We live in a world of expectation and its so easy to become a slave to it. Expectation is misery, if we never expect anything how can we possibly be dissapointed. The only thing you can control in this world is your thoughts and your actions. You blame society but really you are a victim to yourself. This life is too beautiful to sacrifice it for anyone else.

Also, the female voice-over is hypnotizing, makes it so much better.

Blade Runner


The one.

Pinnacle of sci fi...this and fifth element. The fact that this was made in the 80s blows my mind, practical effects and pushing the limits within the box, somehow, the more capable we are the less creative we become. Cgi is so much cheaper so we will never see anything like this ever again.

It will forever be a game of replication...get it?

Blue Spring


The best representation of coming of age responsibility i have ever seen. The realization in highschool that this is the last year of your life where you can be a directionless loser and free from responsibility. We dont recognizes the beauty of school until its too late. The dynamic within your friend group will never exist again, everyone moves on and begins their life in some way and its just a matter of time before everyone drifts apart.

Also, the midget makes it weirdly ethereal for some reason lmao. There is an argument to be made that this movie has some of the best dialogue ever.


Rewatch #2

★★★★★+★ BONUS

I started this with the expectation to go into a complete spiral of existentialism. I think my self-destructive behavior or general attraction to sadness subconsciously tempts me to do things that have hit me hard in the past.

It was the complete opposite, the visual simplicity and deep complex story of FLCL is what i truly aspire for in my art. The hopelessness of an ordinary city is something people despise, but i realize that creating something within that modernity is true fulfillment. Being ok with the ordinary by knowing its is a perma state, its easy to think everyone elses life is full of excitement and even if some are you really wouldn't want that bc it completely de-sensitizes you to joy. Thinking life is butterflies and rainbows is naive, how can there be joy without pain. Desire is a discontent with the present, nothing is ever enough for humans. Its so beautiful at how the enthusiasm of the team just bleeds through this show, it reinvigorated me, today i woke up and 6 hours passed before i even realized i was working. Maybe this is just me but i think the way my brain works is by constantly making sense of things and questioning, this somehow ties into productivity. I aslo really hate how people dicredit it for how hard to understand it is, after watching it a second time i can pull alot of understanding out of it but even then thats not the point. I hate being spoon-fed. Being able to find your own meaning in something tends to be so much more visceral bc its directly ties to your understanding of the world. I was really sad after watching it for the first time but now im excited...i could cry, this is the point of life dumb bastards >:(

That just flew out of me and prob alot typos sry, in short, fill your life with things you know you enjoy and develop conclusions that will eventually be re-understood in the future :)

Edvard Munch


Death, heartbreak, rejection, fear, panic, dread...a tragedy in its purest form.

I believe you truly find yourself through suffering. Purity at its core is often completely misunderstood which is why most artists arent famous until they die. There is something to say about a man who suffers, to suffer is to find yourself. Success leaves your mind stagnant creatively, but we yearn for it more than anything else. Its the duality of man, the wish to be accepted but express yourself at the same time. Style is ultimate naturalness. The truly successful people are able to be fulfilled without any external reward.

The more that AI gets shoved down are throats, above all the debates and right or wrongs i can truly say from the bottom of my heart that nothing will ever take away the relatability of another human. That makes me so happy.



I cant explain the type of acting in these old movies but it ages so well. Death to a slave is freedom so how could one ever fear anything.

I should read the gulag archipelago.



The bear could never. A warm summer night classic.

Tampopo is plankton when you really think about it.

The Crazy Family


Screaming my head off after this one, twisted hell ride. Kinda wholesome though. Takeaways: if your family is on the verge of becoming schizo beat them to the punch.



I can fix her.

August in the Water


Such an ethereal movie for no use of special affects. Its so nice to not be spoon-fed meaning for once.

If the smell of chlorine was a movie.



Fever dream. Most fluid animation ive ever seen.